Cost Optimisation

The Challenge

As Cloud begins to be used at scale, many organisations find it difficult to use cloud in an efficient way and end up overspending.

Most engineering teams are focused on building product, ensuring up-time and security, and handling other unplanned work. Ensuring cloud efficiency is most often not a top priority, and rarely resourced. This (in-part) has resulted in overspending by an average of 35 percent, diminishing the business justification of cloud adoption.

This creates opportunity for customers to realise significant ROI through engaging specialist help to identify and realise savings opportunity.

cost optimisation service image

The Solution

Goldiserv can help you prioritise the highest impact, lowest risk, and most practical actions to take.

Beyond identifying quick-wins that tooling and even experienced engineers/architects can miss, Goldiserv consultants will communicate and agree the pace of savings realisation across stakeholder groups such as project sponsors, Executives, Finance, and Engineering.

By involving the relevant cross-functional stakeholders, Goldiserv can help you come to a consensus about prioritisation of effort across efficiency vs. other initiatives.

Cloud cost optimisation analysis summary

Customer Impact

Although results vary, in the majority of cases the engagement easily pays for itself.

In one case, the customer realised 20% savings ($40k p.m.) on the same day as the initial discovery meeting.

In another long-term engagement, the customer realised 60% savings (several million p.m. ) over 6 months.

We also help optimise Microsoft licensing incl. O365 and on-prem licenses. One customer saved 37% or $33k p.m.

Occasionally, cloud spend is discovered to be already highly efficient and requires no further action.


Ready to get started?

Click here to email or book a no obligation call

Frequently asked questions

How much do you charge?
Can you guarantee savings?
How are you different from what cloud vendors already provide?
Which clouds do you cover?
What cloud access do I need to provide?
In which regions do you operate?
How much will I be expected to do?
Will the work be strictly confidential?
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